Ascending somato-sensory pathways

Corticospinal pathways > Ventral/anterior corticospinal tract


Corticospinal pathways > Ventral/anterior corticospinal tract

Lateral corticospinal tract

Corticospinal pathways > Ventral/anterior corticospinal tract > animation


This image is of the corticospinal pathway through the brainstem, shown in a series of transverse cross sections - note the position of the ventral / anterior corticospinal tract.

Ventral/anterior corticospinal tract:


  • Is a small bundle of axons which arises from the motor areas of the cerebral hemispheres.
  • In the brain it accompanies the much larger lateral corticospinal tract down to the lower end of the brainstem where it continues into the spinal cord on the same side, while the lateral tract decussates into the opposite side of the cord. However, as axons of the ventral tract near their terminations, they do eventually cross the midline and synapse via interneurons with the motor neurons on the opposite side of the cord.
  • Does not extend downwards much beyond the cervical spinal cord.
  • Is much smaller than the lateral corticospinal tract (about 15% of the axons). Lesions of this tract do not appear to result in obvious clinical deficits.