These 2 spectroscopy practicals have been filmed and developed in the School of Biomedical and Health Sciences at Kings College London.
These practicals are a series of videos and other multimedia files from 2 spectroscopy practical sessions (UV and IR). Some of the video files are quite large so will need to be viewed on a broadband connection or on a computer connected to the University network via a network cable (a wireless connection may be too slow).
These practicals contain audio and video, so you will need to make sure that you have audio set up on your pc, with speakers or headphones connected and check that the volume is turned up.
In Internet Explorer you may need to click the security bar
at the top of the web page and select Allow Blocked Content... in order to view some of the content.
MP3's can be downloaded and copied/transferred to mobile devices, eg, mobile phones or MP3 players. Some mobile devices may also read PDF's.
If you are having problems playing any of the video or audio files on your pc, download and install VLC Media Player:
The practical recordings vary in length as indicated next to each one. They are best viewed in the order presented.
Navigation buttons are provided at the bottom of each screen.