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Ascending somato-sensory pathways
Home > 1.1 Ascending somato-sensory pathways > 1.1.2 Dorsal column-medial lemniscus pathway
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Medial lemniscus pathway > plan view from behind

Pathway in plan view from behind Open medulla medium lemniscus further information Gracile nucleus further information Thalamus further information Cuneate tract further information Cuneate nucleus further information Gracile tract further information

Medial lemniscus pathway > plan view from behind



This image illustrates the main features of the dorsal column – medial lemniscus pathway from the periphery to the somatosensory cortex, in a simplified plan diagram, as seen from behind.

© King's College London 2011 | Content & original graphics by Professor Lawrence Bannister | Interface design & development by EHM, CTEL | Content development by Julia Warner, VC TEL