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Support and information required

For consent to be valid, the person performing the procedure must confirm that sufficient information has been provided on which the patient can base their judgement (RCN, 2008). Patients must be given appropriate support to reach their decision, including the provision of written information in a format that they can understand.

Task 12


What information must the patient understand before consenting to undergo catheterisation?

Enter your answer in the box below and then select Check answer.

When consenting to catheterisation, the patient must understand the rationale, the alternatives and the consequences of not being catheterised (RCN, 2008)Check your answer

Task 13


What specific information does the patient require in relation to the rationale for catheterisation?

Enter your answer in the box below and then select Check answer.

The patient must be informed of the reason why catheterisation is being recommended for them, e.g. to drain the bladder or to monitor urine output, but they should also understand that the catheter will be removed as soon as possible (RCN, 2008).Check your answer

Task 14


What specific information does the patient require in relation to catheter selection?

Enter your answer in the box below and then select Check answer.

The patient should understand the types of catheters available, e.g. intermittent, suprapubic or indwelling urethral, and should be involved in the decision making process wherever possible (RCN, 2008).Check your answer

Task 15


What specific information does the patient require in relation to the risks of urinary catheterisation in order to make an informed decision?

Enter your answer in the box below and then select Check answer.

The following risks should be explained to the patient as well as the rationale for catheterisation and benefits to the individual-

- Infection - increasing with duration of catheterisation

- Pain and trauma - including the potential long-term risk of urethral erosion if relevant

- Blockage - reasons why catheters block, including constipation, blood clots and encrustation

- Bypassing

Check your answer