
Question set 1 of 3

The frequency of discharge from muscle spindle primary endings:

increases if the muscle is stretched.


Correct! "The stretch of the muscle (extrafusal fibres) is imposed on the spindle and the stretched primary endings in the equatorial region increase their discharge as a consequence."

Incorrect. "The stretch of the muscle (extrafusal fibres) is imposed on the spindle and the stretched primary endings in the equatorial region increase their discharge as a consequence.

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increases if the antagonist muscle shortens.


Correct! "Antagonist shortening occurs when the agonist (in which the spindle lies) lengthens as in A."

Incorrect. "Antagonist shortening occurs when the agonist (in which the spindle lies) lengthens as in A."

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increases if a synergist muscle contracts.


Correct! "If a synergist contracts, the muscle will be unloaded and its spindle discharge will decrease."

Incorrect. "If a synergist contracts, the muscle will be unloaded and its spindle discharge will decrease."

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is increased by activity in Group Ib afferent fibres.


Correct! "There is no direct connection between Ib fibres and spindle primaries."

Incorrect. "There is no direct connection between Ib fibres and spindle primaries."

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is related to the rate of stretch.


Correct! "The primaries are senstive not only to absolute length but also rate of change of length."

Incorrect. "The primaries are senstive not only to absolute length but also rate of change of length."

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