Self Assessment - Draggable Arrows Example (instructions)

JSON code for this quiz:

	"questions": [
	    "question":"<p>As this is the only question in this quiz, the progress bar and 'Question X of X' text is hidden. When you finish this question the 'Submit' button disappears (instead of allowing you to continue to the page telling you how you've done in the quiz).</p><p><strong>Drag the names of the London boroughs to the appropriate locations on the map.</strong></p>",
		"draggables": {
		"dropzones": {
			"3": "230,274,239,261,251,265,250,272,287,301,289,319,298,332,302,344,292,345,289,340,279,340,272,346,275,354,268,360,261,355,258,362,235,389,226,378,216,377,212,359,221,358,222,336,238,334,223,295,233,289",
		"feedbackGeneral": "<p>Those are the correct London boroughs.</p>"