Life Science Tutorials

Handling Data

Graphpad Prism – Performing area under the curve (AUC) calculations

Sometimes one needs to calculate the area under...

Sometimes one needs to calculate the area under a curve in your research, Here’s how you can do it simply in GraphPad Prism.

Performing a t-test in SigmaPlot 13

This is a brief tutorial showing how to...

This is a brief tutorial showing how to perform a t-test in SigmaPlot 13

Running a t-test in Microsoft Excel

Tutorial showing how to run a t-test in...

Tutorial showing how to run a t-test in Microsoft excel using the built-in data analysis took pack.

One-Way ANOVA in Microsoft Excel

A tutorial demonstrating how to run a One-way...

A tutorial demonstrating how to run a One-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) using the built-in analysis tool pack in Excel. This tutorial also described the use of post-hoc t-tests with the Bonferonni correction to determine statistical differenced between groups.

Performing a one way ANOVA in Prism

Tips on how to lay out data in...

Tips on how to lay out data in order to perform a one-way ANOVA analysis on experimental data

Two-way ANOVA analysis of grouped data in Prism

This tutorial shows how to carry out a...

This tutorial shows how to carry out a two-way ANOVA on grouped data using Prism.
©2013 James Clark

© King's College London