Reflective Communication Scenarios
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Reflective Exercise
While watching the video think about which communication techniques seemed helpful and what could have been improved in the scenario. Record your thoughts on a blank sheet of paper. Keep your written work to show your tutor/manager.
- Points to Remember
- 1 Passing on communication needs to receptionists is helpful.
- 2 Make sure there is nothing obstructing your mouth (paper, objects, hands)
- 3 You may need to greet the patient in the waiting area as the patient won’t be able to hear his/her name being called. If approaching from behind tapping on the upper arm is an appropriate way of gaining his/her attention.
- 4 A quiet room is optimal for communication as hearing aids pick up background noise.
- 5 When conducting an examination whilst the patient is facing away from you varying communication tactics may be useful.
- 6 Double checking that the patient has understood what you have communicated can eliminate misunderstanding.
- 7 Openly discussing communication needs is often helpful.