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Ascending somato-sensory pathways
Home > 1.1 Ascending somato-sensory pathways > 1.1.4 Trigeminal sensory pathway
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Trigeminal sensory pathway > trigeminal sensory nucleus & sensory inputs (Advanced)

trigeminal sensory nucleus and sensory inputs



This image depicts more details of the trigeminal sensory input to the brainstem, including the different parts of the sensory nucleus, and minor somatosensory inputs to the spinal trigeminal nucleus from some other cranial nerves (facial, glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves).

© King's College London 2011 | Content & original graphics by Professor Lawrence Bannister | Interface design & development by EHM, CTEL | Content development by Julia Warner, VC TEL
Trigeminal nerve - Brainstem ventral view Trigeminal spinal tract Spinal sensory nucleus of V