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Ascending somato-sensory pathways
Home > 1.2 Descending cortical (Pyramidal) motor pathways > 1.2.3 Corticospinal & corticobulbar pathways
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Corticospinal & corticobulbar pathways > somatotopic localization in the motor cortex

Somatotopic localization in the motor cortex:

The motor supply to muscles of different parts of the body is arranged like a map over the motor cortex, with the head supply located ventro-laterally and the most inferior down the medial surface of the cortex.

Somatotopic localization in the motor cortex

In these images the parts of the motor cortex serving muscles in different parts of the body are illustrated in coronal section (left) and in lateral and medial sagittal views (right).




The upper motor neurons supplying the muscles of different parts of the body are arranged like a map over the motor cortex (somatotopic localization), with the head supply located ventro-laterally, and the most inferior regions of the body represented down the medial surface of the cortex.

© King's College London 2011 | Content & original graphics by Professor Lawrence Bannister | Interface design & development by EHM, CTEL | Content development by Julia Warner, VC TEL