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Home > 1.3 Descending motor (extrapyramidal) pathways from brainstem > 1.3.1 Descending motor (extrapyramidal) pathways from brainstem
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Brainstem motor pathways: The MLF


Descending motor (extrapyramidal) pathways from brainstem: the medial longitudnal fasciculus



This diagram illustrates the layout of the medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF) in the brainstem, connecting the vestibular centres with the eye muscle motor nuclei, these nuclei with each other, and with the upper spinal motor neurons.

© King's College London 2011 | Content & original graphics by Professor Lawrence Bannister | Interface design & development by EHM, CTEL | Content development by Julia Warner, VC TEL
Medial longitudinal fasciculus