View all of the results of the patient examination (click on each system below to view the results).
General Examination
- A miserable teenager with a temperature of 39°C, not in acute distress.
- On examination of the head and neck, she has bilateral, symmetrical anterior and posterior cervical lymphadenopathy, moderately enlarged tonsils with a white exudate and diffuse pharyngitis.
- There is no skin rash. She does not appear jaundiced.
- The examination is otherwise unremarkable.

Cardiovascular System
- Pulse: 118 beats/minute
- Blood pressure: 115/70
Respiratory System
- Respiratory rate: 16
Gastrointestinal System
Nervous System
- patient orientated
Musculoskeletal System
- A musculoskeletal examination reveals that Ellie is unable to form a clenched fist, and squeezing across the metacarpophalangeal joints causes pain. Her wrists appear slightly swollen, and are warm to touch. (see link to hand examination video below)
- She has normal spinal movements, and her shoulders, elbows and knees appear normal.
- Her feet are tender when the metatarsophalangeal joints are squeezed.
Reticuloendothelial System
- A spleen tip is palpable on examination but there is no hepatomegaly
Genitourinary System
- Examination not performed
- no sugar, protein, blood
Mental/Psychiatric Exam
- Examination not performed
- No other examinations