Task 2

1. Click on highlighted areas, enter analysis on right side
Note 2: Click on the line name to close/ hide the box.

2. Click on 'Compare Answer'

3. Move onto the next area.

The video is taken from UK Clinical Communication Council video bank.

73  DR: What did you do in the past? Was it your job that sent you up ladders?

74  PT: Yes I run a building business [with my wife [you see, 50 years ago [this year=

75  DR:                                               [right            [ok                  [right

76  PT:  =that’s when we [founded it.         

77  DR:                           [It’s a long time!                    

78  PT:   Yes it is!

79  DR:  It’s a long time. .hhhhh em::: (1.58) in terms of your:: your general health though, you’ve no history of high blood pressure?

80  PT: Well, yes I do suffer a bit of blood
         pres[sure but that’s [controlled

81  DR:    [right                 [ok               So so you’re on some medication?

82  PT: Ye- Yes

83  DR: Ok, I think the nurses have written down that medication can I just check that with you .hhhh ((opens notes)), they’ve written down you’re on Enalapril:::

84  PT: That’s right

85  DR: Is that the only drug that you are on?

86  PT: Yes apart from a sort of Gaviscon

87  DR: Because you’ve had some heartburn?

88  PT: Yes that’s right, a bit=an::d some Paracetamol if I you know get a backache

89 DR: OK, but you’ve never had a heart attack in the past or a stroke

90 PT: ah No no no

91 DR: No asthma or any problems with your lungs (0.30)

92  PT: No

93  DR: No? And no:: amm previous history of strokes (0.97)

94  PT: Not me no ((Dr looks at the Pt))

95  DR: No. .hhh Any family history of anything important we need to know about?

96  PT: We::ll you know you’ve mentioned stroke, my father had a::: had a ba::d one.

97  DR: uhm  (1.37)

98  PT: 30 years ago now

99  DR: ((nodding)) ⁰hum⁰ (.) .hhhh (1.08) And did he survive that↑ or::?

100 PT: .hhh no Well he did have another one about 6 months later and that finished  [him off, yeah it was sad

101 DR:               [that finished him ((nodding)) I know it is sad (0.85) what about what about your mum (.) is she:::  (0.88)

102 PT: Oh no she’s alive and well=

103 DR: =She’s well=

104 PT:   =she’s fine. [Yes ((smile))

105 DR:                     [ok  that’s good. Does she live nearby?

106 PT: yes she’s in some sheltered accommodation

107 DR:  ⁰Ok⁰

108 PT: just::: just at Histon there,

109 DR: ⁰right⁰

110 PT: she’s fine yes

111 DR: All right so- (1.93) you are in a fast irregular heart rhythm, which is probably what you are feeling when you felt that palpitations and making you feel emm a bit puffy? It is also maybe causing a bit of a strain on the heart, which is why you feel that chest tightness (0.78) right? Or it could be that you’re feeling the heart working hard, which is why you feel (.) .hhh a bit tight across the chest .hhhhh (0.59) Apart from the shortness of breath (.) and the palpitations (0.62) is there anything else that’s bee:::n (0.63) going on recently?   [Or anything else that’s worrying you?

112  PT:                   [((shakes head)) hhhh. No apart from this sort of feeling a bit strange and funny [anxious.

113  DR:                                       [Right ok, let’s go back to that, when you said strange it sort of suggested to me it was more anxiety, is it? Did you feel light headed? Or is it you were about to collapse? (0.94)

114 PT: No no, I was just feeling uptight, and I I’m not usually feeling like this, sort of tense.

115 DR: Right . When you look like that you almost put an angry face on, it’s not it’s not anger, it’s just more:::

116 PT:  [No no

117 DR: [It’s a sca:: Is it erm you being scared about what’s going on? Or…

118 PT: Not even that really, no I just sort of feeling a sort of tense, can’t sort of

119 DR: And you don’t know where that comes from?

120 PT: No

After two attempts to elicit relevant information, Pt’s responses (T70 & 74) confirm the topic is complete. The Dr can see the ‘falling of ladders’ is not relevant to the current complaint. She therefore takes a social approach in response to the patient, which shows her empathy.

The Dr uses a ‘close question+pause+ confirmation’ structure to take focused history. Each question is short and clear, focusing on only one issue. After each question she leaves time for pt to think of an answer. She then echoes/confirms the answer before moves on to the next question. Asking multiple close questions at a time is a common communicative error. Another communicative error commonly seen with students is to treat pauses as a sign of Pt’s failing to understand so they would rephrase the question, which may cause confusion.

Note that the Dr could have moved on to another question in T99 because in T96 the patient already answered her previous question fully according to the clinical standard. Note, however, here ‘ba::d’ was emphasised by the Pt which forms a contextualisation cue about the Pt current emotion. Therefore, the Dr picks it up and allows the next 6 turns to talk about the father’s stroke before moving on to ask about the mother in T101.

T99 is the Dr’s response to a report of a tragic/emotional situation. She starts with a positive possible outcome (‘did he survive that’) and then moves on to the negative. Note that she doesn’t even say the negative outcome but rather hints it by using a coordinating conjunction ‘or’. This allows the Pt to construct the story in their preferred manner (T100). It also conforms to sympathy politeness maxim. The Dr empathically responds to the Pt by using the Pt’s words ‘that finished him’ & ‘it is sad’ T101.

In the frame of family history elicitation, there are many potentially face threatening acts and emotional situations that need to be handled sensitively. Here the Dr uses quite a few incomplete sentences to elicit the Pt’s telling rather than speaking out her speculations of the poor or good health of the Pt’s family members. It conforms to the politeness maxim.

As the frames shift, Dr’s recipient design changes strategically. In family history taking frame, she’s constantly drawing on her sociocultural knowledge to enable her to understand how the situation the Pt is reporting can cause emotional difficulties to him. By repeating Pt’s own words, Dr’s responses are minimum but effectively empathic and are well received by the Pt.

T113 checks potential clinical issues and T115 & 117, 119 check the emotional concerns.