Investigations - results

Alex Maxwell
67, Male

Click on the tabs below (and click headings to open and close the subpanels) to view the results and interpretation of some of the investigations.


Patient presents with normal results


Investigation Name Investigation Result Normal Range Units
Haemoglobin 120 115 - 165 g/L
Neutrophils 6.8 1.5 - 7 109/L
White Cell Count 10.1 4 - 11 109/L
Platelets 350 150 - 400 109/L

Electrolytes, urea, creatinine
Investigation Name Investigation Result Normal Range Units
Sodium 141 137 - 145 mmol/L
Potassium 4.2 3.5 - 4.9 mmol/L
Urea 8.5 2.5 - 7.5 mmol/L
eGFR 50 70 - 130 ml/min

The reduced eGFR is likely to be as a result of diabetic nephropathy

Blood Glucose, Cholesterol, Liver Function Tests
Blood Glucose
Investigation Name Investigation Result Normal Range Units
Glucose 12 Random < 11 mmol/L
Glycosylated Haemoglobin 8.5 < 6 %
The raised blood glucose and raised glycosylated haemoglobin suggest poorly controlled type 2 diabetes

Investigation Name Investigation Result Normal Range Units
Total Cholesterol 8.2 < 5.0 mmol/L
The raised cholesterol in combination with diabetes suggest an increased risk of cardiovascular disease in general and is an important consideration in the management of peripheral arterial disease.
Liver function tests
Investigation Name Investigation Result Normal Range Units
ALP 130 35 - 129 IU
ALT 135 4 - 59 IU
GGT 100 9 - 48 IU/L
Albumin 46 40 - 152 g/L
The raised ALT and GGT suggest non alcoholic fatty liver


The chest X-ray is useful as he is a smoker and may have underlying lung disease