
Alex Maxwell
67, Male
View all of the results of the patient examination (click on each system below to view the results).
See more details and explanations for these examination results on the next page....
General Examination
- Looks well, comfortable at rest lying flat
- P86 reg, BP 164/94, sats 94% on air, Temperature normal
Cardiovascular System
- Heart sounds normal
- Nicotine staining to fingers
Respiratory System
- Trachea central
- Expansion: normal and symmetrical
- Percussion: normal
- Tactile vocal fremitus: normal
- Breath sounds: lungs clear
Gastrointestinal System
- Abdomen soft and non-tender
Genitourinary System
- Examination not performed
Mental/psychiatric exam
- Examination not performed
Musculoskeletal system
- Examination not performed
Nervous system
- Examination not performed
Reticuloendothelial system
- No lymphadenopathy
- Glucose +
Lower limb arterial
- Left lower limb: full complement of palpable pulses.
- Right lower limb:
- normal palpable femoral pulse
- absent distal pulses
- Right foot cooler than left
- Absence of hair on the right leg
- There is no tissue loss
- Reduced sensation to touch and vibration bilaterally to the level of the ankle