
John Barker
56, Male
View all of the results of the patient examination (click on each system below to view the results).
See more details and explanations for these examination results on the next page....
General Examination
- Comfortable
- Respiratory rate 18/min
- Temperature normal
- Corneal arcus and xanthelasma noted
Cardiovascular System
- Pulse 90/min, regular low volume
- Blood pressure 102/68
- JVP raised (with positive hepatojugular reflex)
- Apex beat laterally displaced
- Pansystolic murmur in the mitral area
- Peripheral pulses present
- Bilateral ankle oedema
Respiratory System
- Trachea central
- Expansion: normal and symmetrical
- Percussion: normal
- Tactile vocal fremitus: normal
- Breath sounds: fine late inspiratory crackles bilaterally from lower to mid zoness
Gastrointestinal System
- No swelling or tenderness
- Mild tender hepatomegaly
- Spleen and kidneys not palpable
- Hernial orifices normal
- Bowel sounds normal
- Rectal and pelvic examination not performed
Genitourinary System
- Examination not performed
Mental/psychiatric exam
- Examination not performed
Musculoskeletal system
- Examination not performed
Nervous system
- Examination not performed
Reticuloendothelial system
- No lymphadenopathy
- No glucose, blood, protein or nitrates