View all of the results of the patient examination (click on each system below to view the results).
General Examination
- Physical examination revealed an elderly man who had a constant cough, holding the right side of his chest. He appeared underweight and had a sallow complexion.
- Temperature 38.5oC
- As the patient seemed frail and unwell, the GP requests a chest X-ray and routine laboratory tests
See the video for a demonstration of chest examination:
Cardiovascular System
- Cardiac examination showed no significant abnormality
- Blood pressure 152/90
- Heart rate was 110/minute and regular
Respiratory System
- Respiratory rate 24/minute and laboured
- He had a large, non-tender hard lymph node in the right supraclavicular fossa. The right mid-anterior and right mid-lateral lung fields are dull to percussion. Auscultation reveals bilateral diminished vesicular breath sounds. Bronchial breath sounds, rhonchi and late inspiratory crackles are heard in the area of the right mid-anterior and right mid-lateral lung fields. The remainder of the lung fields are clear.
- Examination of the fingers shows clubbing:

Gastrointestinal System
- Soft, non-tender, no palpable masses.
Nervous System
- Neurological system examined but no abnormalities noted.