Investigations - Results

Image of Victor

45, Male

Click on the tabs below to view the results and interpretation of the investigations.

Imaging of the head

A computerized tomogram (CT) scan is carried out as soon as possible but a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan must be carried out as this investigation is of higher sensitivity. MRI head : showing a lesion in the right medial temporal lobe which is enhanced with gadolinium, a contrast medium. There was no papilloedema on fundal examination and the scan showed no cerebral oedema ensuring a lumbar puncture could be carried out.

computerized tomogram image
Figure 1: CT scan of head.

Laboratory Tests
The following investigations are requested:
Lumbar Puncture (LP):
  • Collect cerebrospinal fluid (CSF, virology)
  • Microscopy, culture and sensitivity (MC&S):
    • Cell count (red and white blood cells and proportion)
    • Gram stain (for bacteria)
    • Bacterial culture

  • Viral PCR
  • Acid fast bacilli smear (AFB) and Mycobacterium tuberculosis (TB) culture if risk factors
  • Biochemistry:
    • Protein
    • Lactate
    • Glucose (paired with a plasma sample)
Other Microbiology tests:
  • Blood culture
  • Posterior nasopharyngeal swab
  • Urine sample
  • Whole blood sample for meningococcus and pneumococcus PCR
  • HIV type 1 and 2 antibody and antigen test

Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) Features Normal Bacterial infection Viral infection Victor’s sample
Opening pressure (cm H2O) 12-20 Raised Normal / Mildly raised Mildly raised
Appearance Clear Turbid Clear Clear
White cell count (c/uL) < 5 Raised Raised 40
Differential count n/a Neutrophils Lymphocytes Lymphocytes
CSF protein (g/L) < 0.4 Raised Mildly raised 1.2
CSF plasma/glucose ratio > 0.66 Very low Normal 0.9

Real time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests for:
Herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2 DNA HSV DNA type 1 : Detected
Varicella zoster virus DNA Not detected
Enterovirus RNA Not detected
Cytomegalovirus DNA Not detected
Epstein Barr virus DNA Not detected
Adenovirus DNA Not detected

Other Microbiology Tests:
Blood culture No growth
Posterior nasopharyngeal swab No growth
Urine sample Legionella antigen negative
Whole blood sample for meningococcus and pneumococcus PCR Negative
HIV type 1 and 2 antibody and antigen test Negative