Further History

Alan Smith
69, Male
History of presenting complaint
Mr Smith has has a 6 month history of getting up at night to pass urine. It was initially 1-2 times but for the past 2 weeks he has been getting up 4-5 times but he only passes a dribble each time. He feels tired all the time.
He has also noticed that his urinary stream is poor (“I used to be able to hit the back wall doc, but now I have to lean forward just to get it in the toilet”).
He says that when he needs to go to the toilet he has to rush as he is worried that he might wet himself if he isn’t quick. He wet himself 3 days ago when he was up a ladder when he needed to go which is what prompted his visit to the GP. He hasn’t been to work since as he hasn’t felt up to it
He has never seen blood in his urine and has no pain.
Although his appetite isn’t good, he thinks he is putting on weight as his trousers are tighter around the waist than they used to be.
Past medical history
He has previously been quite fit and well and hasn’t seen the GP for years. He’s always been fit and active which is why he’s still working. He has no plans to retire any time soon.
Medication history:
No known allergies.
Family history:
His parents are both dead. His Father died aged 66 of pneumonia on a background of chronic obstructive airways disease from a lifetime of smoking. His Mother died aged 82 from heart failure. He has one sister who is 71 and well as far as he knows but she moved to the US 30 years ago and they have lost touch. He has three children aged 33, 35 and 39, all of whom are well.
Social history:
He lives with his wife who is well. He gave up smoking when he was 40 when his father died. He drinks about 10 units of alcohol a week, mainly beer at the weekends.