View the results of Mr Smith's initial observations (click on each system below to view the results).
General Examination
- Temperature 36.8°C
- BP 156/88
- HR 72 beats/min
- SaO2 99% RA
- RR 14/min
- Blood sugar 5.2
General observation:
- Well looking man, awake and alert.
- Appears to have a distended abdomen and the top button of his trousers is undone.
- He smells slightly of urine.
- He does not appear to be dehydrated, his mucous membranes are moist.
Cardiovascular System
- JVP visible at +2cm when at 45 degrees
- Heart sounds normal, no peripheral oedema
Respiratory System
- Trachea central, Chest – equal expansion, resonant, normal tactile vocal fremitus, vesicular breath sounds bilaterally
- Distended, quite tense, dome-like mass arising from the pubic region to above the umbilicus.
- Dull to percussion.
- Slightly tender on palpation.
- Normal bowel sounds.
Nervous System
- Neurological system not examined but no obvious abnormalities.
Musculoskeletal System
Reticuloendothelial System
Genitourinary System
- Digital rectal examination reveals an enlarged, firm, smooth, symmetrical and non-tender prostate.
- no sugar, protein, blood
Mental/Psychiatric Exam
- Examination not performed
- No other examinations