Unit 1: Sudden Loss of Vision


  • Moderate to severely reduced visual acuity in affected eye (typically 6/12 to 6/60)
  • A sector or all of the optic nerve may be swollen with splinter or flame shaped haemorrhages [see image]
  • Relative afferent pupillary defect
  • Visual field defect corresponding to the area of optic disc swelling. The most common is an inferior altitudinal defect

Swollen optic disc with flame shaped haemorrhage

Swollen optic disc with flame shaped haemorrhage

Swollen optic disc with flame shaped haemorrhage

Source: www.retinagallery.com

Inferior altitudinal defect

Humphrey visual field test showing an inferior altitudinal field defect

Humphrey visual field test showing an inferior altitudinal field defect

Source: Reproduced from Optic disc macroaneurysm in evolution: from incidental finding to branch retinal artery occlusion and spontaneous resolution, Raja G. Das-Bhaumik, Dan Lindfield, Shauna M. Quinn, Steven J. Charles, Br J Ophthalmol published online May 7, 2009. BMJ Publishing Group Ltd