Keratoconus is a bilateral (85% of cases) acquired, corneal collagen disorder , in which the cornea, thins and distorts. Peak onset is usually in late teens to twenties.
Systemic associations include:
Downs syndrome
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
Marfans syndrome
Increase in corneal astigmatism and often myopia
Abnormal retinoscopy reflex (appears like a oil droplet)
Retinoscope reflex shows scissors movement
Central corneal thinning and conical shape (steepening of corneal curvature)
Bulging of the lower lid on down gaze
Vertical lines in the corneal stroma (striae)
Contact lenses, fit with Rigid gas permeable for optimum visual acuity, often better than spectacles.
Often photorefractive surgery is contraindicated
Can require corneal graft in late stages if scarring present