Unit 7: Gradual Loss of Vision


  • The macula is located at the posterior pole of the eye, and is responsible for central vision.
  • In the centre of the macula is the fovea, which is specialised for high acuity vision.
  • The rest of the retina provides peripheral vision.
  • Cones are concentrated at the macula, and are responsible for acuity and colour perception.
  • Rods are distributed throughout the retina, providing low light vision and movement detection.
Anatomy of the eye showing macula and fovea at the posterior pole of the eye

Anatomy of the eye showing macula and fovea at the posterior pole of the eye

Adapted from: Drawing of the Eye, National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health, used under CC BY 2.0 / Macula and fovea label highlighted.

Retina image of the macula and fovea

Retina image of the macula and fovea

Source: National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health