James Bailey
21, Male
Other important investigations
Click on the tabs below to view the results and interpretation of these investigations.
Consider the questions for each section, asking you to interpret these investigations; click on the question panels to reveal model answers.
Full blood count
Normal blood count
Questions: Click on the question panel below to see the model answer...
Question: What features of the FBC are of particular interest in acute asthma?
Model answer:
In an infection such as pneumonia the blood count would be expected to show an increased white cell count due to neutrophilia.
In atopic (allergic) asthma, patients may have an increased number of eosinophils in peripheral blood.
Questions: Click on the question panel below to see the model answer...
Question: Interpret the D-dimer result:
Model answer:
A normal D-dimer results makes an acute pulmonary embolus (venous thromboembolism) very unlikely.
Electrolytes, urea, creatinine
Questions: Click on the question panel below to see the model answer...
Question: : Why might plasma [K+] become abnormal during treatment of acute asthma?
Model answer:
Salbutamol can cause hypokalaemia.
C reactive protein (CRP)
Questions: Click on the question panel below to see the model answer...
Question: Interpret the CRP result:
Model answer:
C reactive protein would be expected to be markedly increased in a severe bacterial infection such as pneumonia.