View all of the results of the patient examination (click on each system below to view the results).
Answer the question below about your immediate concerns, then see more detailed questions and answers about the explanations of these examination results on the next page....
General Examination
- he looks unwell and distressed
- temperature 37.0°C
- respiratory rate 28/min, SpO2 91% (room air)
- centrally and peripherally cyanosed
- not anaemic, clubbed or jaundiced
- no lymphadenopathy
Cardiovascular System
- Extremities well-perfused, all peripheral pulses present.
- arterial blood pressure 128/82
- pulse 124/min regular, with pulsus paradoxus
- JVP not raised
- heart sounds normal, no murmurs heard
- no ankle oedema.
Respiratory System
- trachea central
- apex beat not displaced
- expansion: reduced, equal both sides
- percussion: resonant on both sides
- tactile vocal fremitus: normal
- breath sounds: quiet on both sides; no wheeze
Gastrointestinal System
- no swelling or tenderness
- liver, spleen, kidneys not palpable
- hernial orifices normal
- bowel sounds normal
- rectal and pelvic examination not performed
Nervous System
- patient orientated
Musculoskeletal System
- no abnormal findings
Reticuloendothelial System
- no lymphadenopathy
Genitourinary System
- Examination not performed
- no sugar, protein, blood
Mental/Psychiatric Exam
- Examination not performed