
Katie Tang
32, Female
View all of the results of the patient examination (click on each system below to view the results).
See more details and explanations for these examination results on the next page....
General Examination
- Looks unwell, anxious and breathlessness
- Respiratory rate 34/min
- Temperature 37.9
- Saturations 92% on air
Cardiovascular System
- Blood pressure 85/50mm Hg
- Pulse 130/min, regular or irregular
- JVP raised
- Sternal Heave
- Heart sounds: Accentuated pulmonary component of S2
- Peripheral pulses weak
- Mild ankle oedema
Respiratory System
- Trachea central
- Expansion: normal and symmetrical
- Percussion: normal
- Tactile vocal fremitus: normal
- Breath sounds: fine late inspiratory crackles bilaterally lower zones
Gastrointestinal System
- Ascites in end-stage right heart failure
- Pulsatile liver and hepatojugular reflex
- Hernial orifices normal
- Bowel sounds normal
- Rectal and pelvic examination not performed
Genitourinary System
- Examination not performed
Mental/psychiatric exam
- Examination not performed
Musculoskeletal system
- Calf swelling. Left calf 2cm > right calf, non-tender, warm to touch, no skin changes
Nervous system
- Examination not performed
Reticuloendothelial system
- No lymphadenopathy
- No glucose, blood, protein or nitrates
- Urine β-HCG negative
- Nil else to find