
Adam Smith
37, Male
View all of the results of the patient examination (click on each system below to view the results).
See more details and explanations for these examination results on the next page....
General Examination
- Looks well
- Respiratory rate 16
- Apyrexial
Cardiovascular System
- BP 110/68mm Hg
- Pulse 56 beats per minute but at times feeling regularly irregular, with one normal beat followed but an early weak beat, then a normal beat, then an early weak beat etc
- Jerky carotid pulse character
- No peripheral stigmata of cardiac disease
- JVP not raised
- Apex beat: double apical impulse
- Normal first and second heart sounds with 4th heart sound
- Ejection systolic murmur in the aortic region radiating to carotids and accentuated by Valsalva
- Pansystolic murmur at the apex radiating to axilla
- Chest clear and no peripheral oedema
Respiratory System
- Respiratory rate 16
- Oxygen saturations 99% on air
- Trachea central
- Normal and symmetrical expansion
- Normal percussion
- Normal tactile vocal fremitus
- Normal breath sounds
Gastrointestinal System
- Examination not performed
Genitourinary System
- Examination not performed
Mental/psychiatric exam
- Examination not performed
Musculoskeletal system
- Examination not performed
Nervous system
- Alert and orientated
- Normal peripheral nervous system examination
- Cranial nerves all intact
Reticuloendothelial system
- Examination not performed
- No glucose, blood, protein or nitrates
- Nil else to find