Scenario Review

Image of Adam Smith

Adam Smith
37, Male

Students should now be able to summarise this case, and relate the clinical features and presentation to the investigations results, pathophysiology and management:

  • Adam’s presentation and how his symptoms relate to the pathophysiology of HCM
  • Salient points in the history, including the family history
  • Salient points in the examination, and how the examination findings are explained by the pathophysiology of HCM
  • A summary of Adam’s initial results and investigation and how to interpret them in light of the history and examination findings
  • A summary of the subsequent investigations and their importance in the diagnosis and management of patients with HCM
  • Further management of patients with HCM including risk stratification, lifestyle modification and family screening
  • The basics behind the molecular and genetic basis of HCM and it how pathophysiology relates to symptoms
  • The usefulness of clinical genetic testing